Policies and Guidelines
Always good to know
Opening Hours & Collection
The Daycare & Vuggestue is operational on weekdays between 08:00 am to 04:30 pm, except on holidays as per the Holiday Calendar published on the website.
Late collections are strictly discouraged and will be charged separately at the end of the month.
Only parents or designated persons will be allowed to collect the child at the day end, unless the parent sends written permission in the morning detailing any changes.
Illness & Absences
If your child is unwell, please keep them at home.
If your child become unwell at the Daycare, the staff will call you on your dayphone asking you to collect the child.
No medications will be administered by the staff in the Daycare.
In case of any absence or delays, the parents need to inform the daycare by email before 9:00 am.
Termination / End of Contract
To terminate the contract, the parent must give 2 months advanced notice.
The termination notice should be communicated to the Daycare in writing from the first to fifth of any given month.
When you hand in your notice to withdraw your child, you are obligated to pay the invoices for the last 2 months of your notice period in full.
Kidz R Os reserves the right to terminate a contract and refer to RKI in the event of non-receipt of the payments due to the Daycare & Vuggestue.