Your words, our inspiration.
At Kidz R Os, what families say about us means a lot. Making you and your children happy makes us happy. In order to grow we need to know that we are living up to our vision.
“Kidz R Os er efter vores mening den absolut bedste vuggestue I området. Jeg er meget positivt overrasket over den balance de hos Kidz R Os har i form af leg, læring og respekt.”
Kristine, Mor til Novak
“Nova was given a lot of personal attention with an approach tailored to her development and interests. This shows, among other things, from the detailed feedback we receive daily from Deepa and Martyna.”
Imke, Mother of Nova
“Our son Elias could not have wished for better care givers than Deepa and her team at Kidz R Os. Elias has experienced warmth and laughter, combined with a highly professional approach to early childhood pedagogy and care giving. We give Kidz R Os our highest recommendation!”
Florence & Andreas, Parents of Elias
“Deepa, Martyna and Kidz R Os staffs are very caring, patient, kind and provides a safe nurturing environment for the children with an organised schedule. We can highly recommend Kidz R Os. It's been a perfect experience for our daughter Saanvi being in a small group of children with the staff taking so good care of all.”
Sujata, Mother of Saanvi
“Jeg kan kun anbefale kidzros. Stedet har en dejlig atmosfære med god plads til børnene, både med gode faciliteter udenfor og indenfor. Vuggestuen bærer præg af Deepa som er så omsorgsfuld og dygtig, med mange års erfaring fra arbejd med børn. Min lille pige Edith er lige startet og opstarten har været helt uproblematisk. Allerede efter de første par dage havde hun knyttet bånd til Deepa. Deepa har sat sit præg på stedet som oser af varme og kærlighed.”
Silje W, Mother of Edith
“Vi anbefaler på det varmeste Kidz R Os. Vi har haft vores datter Eva hos Kidz R Os, indtil vi fik plads i en kommunal institution tættere på vores bopæl. Først og fremmest kan vi understrege, at så længe man som forældre selv taler fornuftigt engelsk, så er det intet problem at have et dansk barn i en international vuggestue, hvor der primært tales engelsk. Vi har især sat stor pris på den høje normering, der har givet tid og ro til nærhed og individuelle hensyntagen til det enkelte barn. Deepa har som leder af Kidz R Os altid været serviceminded, venlig, velforberedt og lyttende. Hvis vores bopæl lå tættere på, så var Eva fortsat i Kidz R Os i hele sin vuggestuetid.”
Kasper & Maria, Parents of Eva
“We are extremely glad we made the choice of giving our son, David, the opportunity of attending Kidz R Os! The professionality, high level of pedagogy, combined with care, warmth and empaty the staff treated David with, helped him evolve on different levels. You took care of our son during a very difficult period in our life and that helped us tremendously as parents as well, knowing that our son is well taken care of every single day!
David is a happier, more confident, sociable kid thanks to you!”